Daniel store
Snails, crayfish and bush meat
Snails, oven dried or fresh snails, bush meat, crayfish
Becky store
Perfumes and sprays
Body spray Perfumes Perfume oil Body mist After bath body spray
Francisca store
Male joggers.
Shop with us for your various male clothings.
Jones store
Laundry and dry cleaning
Starching Washing Ironing Drying
Titilayo store
Women wears
Tank tops Shirts Dresses Bags Leggins
Odun store
Phone accessories and household items
Phones and accessories Data and Cable TV Subscription Kitchen and Household Items
Samuel store
Unisex wears
Luxury up and down Crop tops and swim suits Shirts Shorts
Ben store
Electric/ Electrical repair and installation
Electrical/ Electrical repair and installation Electrician and electrical contractor Expert technicians in phone repair Repair of MP speakers, power bank, iron , hot plate etc
Joe store
Interior and exterior designs
POP installation House Painting and indoor painting Wallpaper Lights and chandelier Flower vases Any type of home beautification
ABK store
Phones and gadgets
Buying, Selling and swapping of new and UK used phones of different brands
Emmanuel store
Mobile Phones and gadgets
Buying and selling of UK used and new phones Swapping of phones Selling of laptops and gadgets
Oluwadamilare store
Phones and gadgets
Buying and selling of used and new phones Sales of laptops Buying, Selling, Swapping of UK Used Gadgets like Phones, Laptops, Drones, Camera etc
Denis store
Phones and laptop
Buying, Selling, Swapping of UK Used Gadgets like Phones, Laptops, Drones, Camera etc
Rachael store
Skincare products
All kinds of organic formulated products Whitening sets Caramel sets Sunburn kits Glow oil Pimples and spot kits Knuckles remover kit Body treatment kits Stretch marks remover kits
Olamide store
Affordable shoes and clothes
Shoes Clothes Bags Contact me for more information and prices, thank you!
Atueyi store
Cruncy peanuts
Crunchy peanuts burger Spicy kilishi Tasty and yummy kulikuli Freshly squeezed sugarcane juice
Arinola store
Oriflame products
Body wash Face cleanser Face toner Body butter Body soap
Treats store
Cakes and meals
All kind of cakes and flavors Different kind of Meals Delivery is fair and cheap within Akure
Ese store
Briaded wigs and different quality hair extensions
Purchase your easy to wear wigs
Queen store
Souvenirs and library services
Library services for homes and schools Mass production of school and lunch bags Souvenirs and handbags for different occasions Educational toys, family games etc